Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Change Management †the One Right Way Essay

However the offer is often illusory, for particular change approaches usually apply to particular situations, and simple solutions sometimes ignore the complexities of real life. (Stace and Dunphy, 2001, p 5) To utilise a single change approach is to assume that all organisations, all situations and all internal and external variables and influences remain constant. It applies the same logic to all changes without consideration of the many and varied influencing factors. I generally agree with the statement presented by Stace and Dunphy but am interested in the reasons underlying the requirement for simple, easy and fast change interventions. Are managers and change agents lazy and only looking for simple solutions? Does management consider change unimportant? Do management really believe that a single solution is going to work in every case? What is behind this trend? Bold (2011) suggests that change itself is becoming the only constant or ‘business as usual’ in the modern business environment. With technological advancements over the past 10 years, organisation now have the ability to access, collect and process enormous amounts of business data very quickly. This has provided management with the ability to understand the current health of their organisational processes and track against set goals and targets quickly and accurately. Previously, managers may have waited for end of month or end of quarter reporting from all business units to be collated and presented to gain an accurate understanding of the current business position and gauge the results from previous decisions made. Now, when a manager wants to make a change, they want it implemented as soon as possible so they can assess the impact of the change. Due to the high amount of change occurring in modern organisations and management’s requirement for immediate solutions, I believe that pressure is placed onto the change agents to provide solutions, often without the resources or time to perform adequate analysis to plan and implement the best change approach. As Bold (2011) suggested, change is becoming ‘business as usual’ and management may expect change managers to be able to develop a change process (i. e. the one right way), in the way that other parts of the organisation develops other repeatable ‘business as usual’ processes. Corporate competencies for change management constitute the critical capacity that is needed to create a learning organisation which is flexible, dynamic and adaptable in a rapidly changing and volatile environment. (Turner and Crawford 1998) As recent as the 1990’s, research was being undertaken by Romanelli & Tushman (1994) that proposed an alternate viewpoint. Their punctuated equilibrium paradigm argues that relatively long periods of stability (equilibrium) are punctuated by short periods of more radical, revolutionary change. I believe that most organisational change researchers would now agree that this is no longer the case and further progression into the information age has meant that very few industries operate within a long term, stable business operating environment. Although many different change models and approaches have been developed by academics, consultants and practitioners, none has yet to be accepted as a standard that can be used for all change interventions. Bold (2011) argues that there is no right or wrong theory for change management. It is not an exact science. However, through the ongoing research and studies by the industry’s leading experts, a clearer picture of what it takes to lead a change effort effectively will continue to emerge. Andriopoulos & Dawson (2009) agree that in the case of organisational change, there remains considerable debate over the speed, direction and effects of change and on the most appropriate methods and concepts for understanding and explaining change. Kanter, Stein & Jick (1992) found that it would be very difficult for a single solution or approach to meet all the types of changes required and to take into account all of the required aspects as organisations are fluid entities. In an attempt to provide a more broad solution, Stace & Dunphy (2001) proposed a situational approach or framework for change. They argued that there is no single path to successful change implementation that holds true in all situations. This framework however has been criticised by Andriopoulos & Dawson (2009) for neglecting the role of organisational politics and the internal power relationships within organisations as shapers of the organisational change process. Pettigrew (1985) presented a holistic, contextual analysis approach providing a multi-level approach to encapsulate the complexities of change management. Pettigrew argued that strategic change is a continuous process with no clear beginning or end point. However, Buchanan and Boddy (1992) argued that the richness and complexity of the multi-level analysis presented by Pettigrew, while comprehensive, it did little to simplify or clarify the processes of change and thereby rendered the research as largely impenetrable for the organisational practitioner. Change within an organisation is ongoing and involves many variables which are covered by different change models, processes and frameworks. Variables include the type of industry, the geographical location, the organisations size, the style of management leadership, the capability of the people involved, the organisational culture, the local and global economic environment, timing in regard to other events, the organisational structure and many more. This list is not meant to be exhaustive, but demonstrates the length and breadth of variables to be taken into account when assessing and managing change. Senior (2002) argues that the trigger for internal change is often in response to external influences which then links the internal and external drivers for change. Often, the change strategy or mechanism used by an organisation is chosen by the change manager and may not necessarily meet the needs of the organisation. This can lead to the change manager selecting an approach that may have worked before, that they feel comfortable with, or that suits their personality. This may not be however, what the organisation really requires. For example, a change manager may have had previous success utilising a consultative and collaborative approach which would take time to fully consult with all impacted parties while the organisation may actually require a fast, dictatorial type approach due to it losing market share which is putting the very existence of the organisation at risk. Kanter (1983) notes that managers sometimes make strategic choices based on their own area of competence and career payoff. A model of change strategies that seeks to develop our understanding of change processes is unfortunately restricted if it excludes considerations of anything other than management as some sort of ‘black box’ wherein environmental fit is sought. Stace and Dunphy argue that change managers need to develop a varied behaviour repertoire rather than remain fixed on a particular approach to change. They argue the compelling need for in our modern economies to create and build more dynamic and innovative corporations which can compete successfully in global terms. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – â€⠀œ – – – – – – – – – – – – – Remember that change involves people, is instigated by people and controlled by people. There are many internal and external influences and forces that affect change but the interests of the change agents themselves and their political interests must also be considered. You cannot expect a change manager to ignore their own self-interest when making rational decisions. (Dunford 1990) Stace and Dunphy argue that the critical requirement for longer term viability and success in the corporation of the future is the ongoing development of what is increasingly being referred to as organisational capabilities or corporate competencies. These are capabilities for the flexible initiation of new strategies and environmental responsiveness that reside in the corporation itself rather than only in the capabilities and skills of the individual members. This will allow organisations to respond quicker to changes and effectively make change management part of the organisational culture. Change would then be regarded as ‘business as usual’. Many of the change approach methods, tools and techniques proposed by researchers and practitioners have overlapping ideas and cover a lot of the same ground. Rather than working independently towards defining improvements to existing ideas or new ideas, it may be more beneficial to take a collaborative approach and create an international standard for change or a recognised body of shared knowledge that could be used as a guide for organisational change.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Black Female Executives in Corporate America Essay

Black female executives are a symbol of what determination and hope can achieve that despite the odds and perceptions, people can achieve anything they set themselves on regardless of their cultural backgrounds. Reaching the top for these women has been a journey which dates back way before slavery when women lived and followed the African traditional settings which governed every aspect of their lives. In this setting, the women were subordinate to their men and their duty was to look after their families. Evolution has since changed these perspectives after the civil war that liberated the black people such that they were able to own property and even work in state organizations. In addition, the African people had the power to be educated. Over the years, African women have continually struggled to be the best academically as well as professionally such that they have even outshone their fellow men. â€Å"By 1994, there were more black women as compared to the black men who were employed especially in white collar jobs in corporate America (Tucker, 1994). † Thanks to institutions like Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), there has been significant growth of blacks taking up leadership roles in corporate America (Benjamin, 84). In the managerial positions, black men are slightly more than the black women but still the number of women in managerial positions between the years 1982-1992 had increased by 64% (Tucker, 1994). This positive figure has encouraged other black women to undertake leadership roles hence adding up to the increasing figure. Black women representation in the corporate organizations cannot be compared to the rise of white women in the top managerial positions whose numbers have increased over the last decade. This is illustrated by 32% of white women managers who were executive leaders as compared to 14% African American women in similar positions who earned less than them in the year 2000 (Ely, 2003). This shows that as much as the black women are making it ‘big’ there are several factors that hinder their rise to such positions. â€Å"By the year 2001, African American women remained in the shadows and remained invisible hence they were ranked in the corporate businesses either according to gender as well as race (Bell & Nkomo, 2003). † Reasons for lack of black females in executive positions Though there are a few known black women executives in the corporate world it does not necessarily mean that they are not learned enough or that the positions are limited. The major issues limiting the black woman from getting to the top of the corporate ladder are gender and race. Certain stereotypes which are mostly negative are likened to the black female. â€Å"They are considered to be aggressive and very direct (Caver, 2002). † Such characteristics make them unsuitable for leadership positions in big organizations hence limiting their chances of advancing their careers. Black women are not exposed to educational opportunities like their male counterparts as well as white people. This is because most of them come from poor backgrounds and therefore their education is limited up to a certain level when the funds they have can allow. That is why they usually get casual jobs and work as subordinate staff in organizations. Another issue that has contributed to the lack of black females in executive positions is the perception that such positions are the strongholds of men hence organizations mostly employ male colleagues. These factors make it harder for the black women to be promoted to executive positions as they are not only judged by the way their race but also according to gender. Challenges the black women executives face The rise of the women in the corporate world does not really mean that it is all rosy at the top. Though the experience is rewarding some of them are frustrated. The few African American women in executive positions are faced with several challenges in the course of their work. They have to continually convince people and prove to their colleagues that they have what it takes to run organizations. To begin with their salaries are low as compared to those of their fellow black men in similar leadership positions. Most of the African American women in the top managerial positions are considered as vulnerable employees. They are given those positions that can be easily scrapped off when the company restructures itself (Tucker, 1994). They do not therefore get the chance to play major roles in organizations especially in terms of decision making as sometimes they do not have jobs to do. This makes them feel inactive and feel as if they were just put in those positions to enhance the good image of the companies they head as being good an equal employer. â€Å"Some companies just put the women up there so that they can show their corporate allies that they are not biased against any race or gender (Lamont & Molnar, 2002). † †¢ Lack of strategic relationships Relationships define how people will relate with each other in the organization. When the black women are not supported by their employers, then it becomes hard for them to relate with them in proper ways and this affects their work relationship. The relationship between black and white women in the workplace is also strained. This is because white women do not interact often with black women on organizational matters hence they have little knowledge on some of the racial perspectives; the black women have to deal with. â€Å"They feel white women do not care about black women issues and concerns (Caver, 2002). † This has made the black women feel betrayed by them and no wonder they do not relate with them well (Bell & Nkomo, 2003). This scenario has strained communication between the two groups and they never engage in constructive activities. They have been reduced to clicks that support their own members and rarely will they support the promotion of the opposite colleagues to such leadership positions. If the black women cannot relate well internally with their colleagues, it is therefore hard for them to form corporate relationships with people from other organizations as well as their clients as they do not have people within the organization to link them to other business relations. †¢ Lack of mentoring and support African American women are never mentored; and if, on a limited scale. â€Å"This is because they are thought to have nothing in common with their white counterparts as well as black men (Caver, 2002). † Moreover, it is difficult for the black woman to fit in the white male-oriented ‘positions’ which is limited by the negative, historical, sexual racism between black women and the white men (Benjamin, 2005). For this reason, they do not get to improve on their leadership skills hence it is hard for them to be promoted to higher positions. In addition, when other people will start performing better than them, they are said to be incompetent and therefore they risk losing their jobs. The society is also not showing support for the black women corporate leaders who have managed to beat all odds and be the best. This is more so seen in the African American community where people think that they use their high positions to intimidate them. No wonder it is hard for them to find suitable husbands as the males feel threatened. †¢ Trust issues The few black women executives who are there are not trusted to make strategic and informed decisions by other colleagues in the workplace and that is why they have to struggle so much to build this trust which takes a long time. This is why some black women who can no longer cope with the pressure resign from their jobs. This has led to an increasing number of black women quitting their jobs. This is why the CEO as well as other colleagues in the workplace are left to wonder if race determines commonality or whether gender connects across racial lines and if the black women have their own leadership style that helps them navigate in the hierarchy (Bell & Nkomo, 2003). †¢ Lack of access to business development opportunities Leaders need to continually sharpen their skills so that they are able to tackle problems that arise in the business cycle. Black women are usually sidelined in major activities and this limits their chances of growth in terms of acquiring skills and building strategic alliances. For example, a project may be designed which may entail people going for training but surprisingly, countable black women; if any, will be short listed. This makes them feel like an extra burden to the organization. †¢ Balancing work and personal life Just like all women, African American women have to place their families before everything else. They therefore have to ensure that they balance their personal lives as well as their works lest they fail in all of them. Sometimes it is not easy as in every place they are faced with issues and sometimes they do not have colleagues whom they can turn to for help. Impact on the black female work population The statistics might show that black women positions in leadership positions have increased but the experiences of African American women in such positions reveal another thing. Some women have said that they have watched their subordinate colleagues some who are not qualified be promoted to higher ranks while they, who have served the companies for longer periods, are stagnant in the same positions. â€Å"In addition, when they give ideas on anything, they are not taken seriously and this is adding up to their frustrations (Hesselgrave, 2009). † Such scenarios have made them feel diminished, have low self esteem and not feel like part of the organization. This has made them emotionally as well as psychologically disturbed as they cannot come to terms as to why so much hatred and seclusion is still in the society. The lack of back women executives in corporate America is not doing much to encourage young black women professionals to take managerial careers. They see on a daily basis on how their fellow black women in the corporate world are treated and nothing much is done to solve the issues. Some black women have had to succumb to offering sexual favors and bribes if they really want the positions. Such negative factors make the young ladies not wanting to be in such vulnerable positions hence they will opt to choose careers that they find pleasure in. Another impact is that organizations have been divided along racial and gender lines when ‘their own’ are not promoted to executive positions. This has inhibited progress in the organizations as decisions can not be made effectively because employees are not communicating and they are not performing well at their work because their issues are not being addressed. â€Å"This has also brought in unhealthy competition in the workplace as the different groupings of people have to find fault in each other so that they can use the raised issues as an excuse to make them appear better so that they can be favored (Ivancevich & Gilbert, 2000). † In some instances, it has led to the formulation of policies which the minority group in this case, the African American women, use to give them an edge over other colleagues. Recommendations Women of all races play a major role in corporate organizations and that is why they should be encouraged to take the top most leadership positions if they are qualified. Some of the factors that need to be considered in promoting African American women in leadership positions include: ? Encouraging more black women to pursue leadership positions Educating and sensitizing the young black girls at a young age is important so that they take up leadership courses. This will make them more open minded at an early. The Federal State therefore should ensure that there is equitable distribution of resources such that black children can access proper schools like the rest of the children in major cities. African American women also need to be trained on political skills so that they are able to lead people in the proper manner thus become competent. ? Equal treatment Affirmative actions and the formation of women movements have played a vital role in rallying for equal treatment of women. More needs to be done so that the women can feel like they are part of the organizations they serve. The managers should therefore diversify employee groups and continually monitor to see how they are progressing and help then overcome the challenges they face. â€Å"The top managers should also be able to identify black women who are skilled and help them grow within the organizations they head (Lamont & Molnar, 2002). † The human resource heads should therefore ensure that they recruit they staff equitably and not based on any kind of biasness so that when it comes to making decisions or selecting the right candidate for a particular top office, all the people will be represented therefore the right candidate will be chosen regardless of their back grounds. ? Respect and trust Respect starts with an individual when they identify their needs and they treat others the way they would like to be treated in return. Respect is a very important virtue that should be in every code of conduct since it determines how people will be treated. â€Å"Sometimes when white male superiors and black female subordinates as they are trying to amend their relationships they are faced with difficulties because of the lack of basis for identification which is mainly attributed to the fact that the motives behind them are not sincere (Thomas & Gabarro298). † Without respect, then there is no trust as individuals will not trust people who treat them badly. People therefore need to learn to respect black women because it is the only way that will help them salvage their relationships, ease communication and enhance understanding each other so that productivity of the company can improve. It is also advisable to find trust agents if the matters in the organizations are too complex for the members to solve. Having an independent party helping employees and management to solve their problems will be good as they will not be biased. ? Educating the other employees on the negative effects of discrimination is also a positive step towards creating room for black female executives. Conclusion Operations in organizations are changing slowly by slowly to accommodate cultural diversity and people are beginning to embrace the work done by the black women as well as other minority groups. Black women executives nowadays can be found in almost all departments in the workplace and have even gone a step further to head multinational organizations. â€Å"Even in the wake of civil rights and women movements which have helped bring about gender equality, black women executives still face many challenges. African American women need to work harder to face out racism especially in this ever changing diverse world (Burk & NCWO). †These women need to be supported in the work they do rather then being put down as they are also human and they deserve respect just like other individuals in similar positions in the society. Corporations therefore need to change their cultures and philosophies so that they attract more black women and retain them. Black women also need to show that they deserve the executive positions by being passionate about the jobs and ensuring that they are qualified for the positions. References Bell, E. L. J. & Nkomo S. M. (2003). Our Separate Ways: Black and White Women and the Struggle for Professional Identity. Harvard Business Press, 5, 239, 5 Benjamin L. (2005). The Black elite: still facing the color line in the twenty-first century 2nd Ed. Rowman & Littlefield, p. 70 Caver K. A. (2002). Leading in black and white: working across the racial divide in corporate America. John Wiley and Sons, 78, 80, 81 Ely R. J. et al. (2003). Reader in gender, work, and organization, Wiley-Blackwell, 2003 p. 343 Hesselgrave B. (2009). Business and economics. Under the Glass Ceiling? Throw Stones! Retrieved on April 2, 2009 http://www. miller-mccune. com/business_economics/under-the-glass-ceiling-throw-stones-1023 Ivancevich, J. M. & Gilbert, J. A. (2000). Diversity Management: Time for a New Approach Journal of Public Personnel Management, Vol. 29 Lamont, M. & Molnar, V. (2002). The Study of Boundaries in the Social Sciences Annual Review of Sociology journal, p. 12 National Council of Women’s Organizations & Burk M. (2005). 50 ways to improve women’s lives: the essential women’s guide for achieving equality, health, and success World Library, 2005 p. 124 Thomas, D. A. & Gabarro J. J. (1999). Breaking Through: The Making of Minority Executives in Corporate America, Harvard Business Press, Tucker S. H. (1994). Black women in corporate America: the inside story; executive women discuss real-life workplace issues that face black women today Retrieved on April 2, 2009 http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m1365/is_n1_v25/ai_15643636/

Monday, July 29, 2019

E-Enterprise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

E-Enterprise - Essay Example This is in the perspective of providing food, home furnishes, electronics, appliances, apparel, auto parts and also skilled labor (Franklin, 234). Apparently, such kinds of aspects were only initially available from a controlled or minute perspective. This is because retailers in the United States were in one way or the other limited to operating within the United States. Today, retailers have an unending exposure to a wide market, not only in their regions, but in every region around the world. All these aspects come hand in hand with the sole source of connectivity in the world, the internet (Darie). Through numerous online banks like PayPal, people can comfortably purchase products online at the comfort of their seats with deliveries coming to someone regardless of their position in the world. The internet has made starting a retail business a very simple and easy endeavor. All one has to do is have internet access and through social sites like face book, retailers advertise their products to the entire world. The ultimate effect is numerous sole proprietorships, which are making young innovative people earn a living with m inute effort compared to previous times (Books,102). Landing pages are very common with social media, search engines or email campaigns. The landing pages refer to a particular single web page that comes in, in the event of clicking on an online advertisement. In the same perspective, we should understand that the sole purpose if business is the making of profits. That is why advertisements will always be associated with sites that attract many people. These include social sites like tweeter, face book and YouTube. Search engines are always the first notion to anyone using the internet. They provide us with what we think or what we want to know. As a result, Google search engines will always have advertisements linked to its web pages. This is because all these sites possess the targeted audience (Peter,17). In the same

Sunday, July 28, 2019

CRIMINAL JUSTICE 1 question Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

CRIMINAL JUSTICE 1 question - Coursework Example Why is this problematic? The first issue is environmental. According to Lyman (2011, page 428), â€Å"as a result, Colombian peasants who are dependent on the coca crop as their only source of income have moved into the Amazon rainforests. The movement of coca growers to rainforest has resulted in the clearing of at least 1.75 acres of rainforest.† It is clear that one cannot solve a problem by causing another one. In this case, in an attempt to stop the drug trade at its source, policy makers and state agents are destroying important natural resources that are vital to the ecosystem and indeed to the planet. Secondly, the use of forced eradication of crops (through aerial spraying) creates wide and alarming social problems that will only have more disastrous consequences. According to one study (Vargas, 2004 page 5), a political movement born out of disgruntled coca farmers has almost topped the Bolivian presidency and has created insurgency, showing that the cost of conflict far outweighs short-gain gains to be derived from aerial-spraying a community without working out long-term social issues, such as relocation and alternative farming and livelihood opportunities. Thirdly, unbeknownst to the American people, the aerial spraying operations also target legal crops and other things that should not be targeted. According to Transnational Institute (2001, internet), â€Å"many cases involving the destruction of legal crops and alternative development projects can be documented. Aerial fumigation has targeted home patches, ponds and water sources that should never have been the object of this policy.† This is truly problematic and unjust because we are compromising the livelihood and growth opportunities of the poor farmers of Latin America who are growing legal crops and who have a right to clean sources of water. It is deplorable that in order to protect its people, the American government deems it appropriate to make the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Reflective Practice Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reflective Practice - Research Proposal Example A brief survey of the literature shows that the methodology, results and reportage of reflective practices vary and are highly interdependent. This project will survey the available literature as extensively as possible, categorize the different aspects of the practices, methodologies, and reported outcomes and attempt to extract a general understanding of what works and what does not work and why. From the results of this intensive survey of the literature we should be able to come to some conclusions concerning reflective practices. From these conclusions we can identify any elements which may be missing in the body of literature which might suggest directions for future study. In addition, we expect to be able to create a template of sorts to aid teachers in developing and documenting reflective practice in order to make this process easier and more useful. This will include a synthesized description of the role of the reflective practitioner in education, an informative chart showing reflective practice strategies, the benefits and problems or disadvantages of each plus an analysis of various instruments/tools used to exercise reflective practice. Many textbooks have described and analyzed reflective practices, and there have been some influential texts which concentrated only upon this subject, such as those of Osterman, K., & Kottkamp, R. (2004) and York-Barr, J., Sommers, W., Ghere, G., & Montie, J. (2005). However, there needs to be ongoing study of these practices in order to have continuous evaluation and ongoing availability of current information. One major purpose projects like this can serve is to filter the available literature and offer some guidance to those who wish to read more about reflective practices. An initial search on survey overview of reflective practice in education resulted in, at the least with the exclusion

Improving Performance through Learning,coaching and development Essay

Improving Performance through Learning,coaching and development - Essay Example As a response to the need for better, bigger, quicker and cost effective communication, call centres are continually introducing improved infrastructures and more advanced technologies. This has resulted to an environment where the call length is measured in seconds, and overt and covert monitoring systems that make certain compliance of employees to precise operating procedures (Holdsworth & Cartwright, 2003, p. 131). Such a setting is what Endeavour communication firm in the UK is trying to adopt. The paper will discuss the firm’s transformation from a phone based call centre to a multichannel service offering centre. This requires coming up with a comprehensive training and development framework. The paper will highlight the basic skills and competencies that will form the basis of the new programme, where the training managers and their team have an assignment of designing and delivering a 4-week training and intervention, which will make sure all the front line staff are fully competent with the new systems and procedures before the launch of the new multi-channel call centre. It will further outline a proposal for training intervention, a description of how the programme would be implemented to meet the specific requirements, and lastly, discuss how reinforcement of the initiative would be done and evaluation of the programme to make sure that the learning outcomes have been realised. Identification of training and development needs Endeavour is an outsourcing provider operating customer contact centres both in the UK and abroad. It has three contact centres, two in the UK and one situated in India. Approximately half of the UK’s front line staffs are situated in one modern call centre. The firm does its recruitment and selection from the local labour pool. Consequently, the firm strives to embark on a major challenge of altering the business model from that of a predominantly phone based call centre to a multichannel service offering. As a consequence, the core drivers of a training and development program for an outsourcing firm like Endeavour include: shifts in customer tastes and preferences, new and challenging business opportunities, technology advancements, and management planning (Garavan, Hogan, & O’Donnell, 2003, p.21-23). The firm required to train and develop its employees because clients have numerous channels for communication. Therefore, it was crucial for the contact centre to provide them with a wide range of options to match their requirements, with the major aim being to enhance customer satisfaction. The range of channels consisted of the following: phone, web chat, fax, email, social media, internet, call queuing, and call back. Consequently, the front-line staffs of Endeavour needed to be trained on key board entry skills, call handling and product knowledge to be fully competent in these areas. Since the firm was launching a new product, this signifies that it was targeting a new market. T his new market consisted of customers who were fond of using the phone, email, social media, and internet among many others. This would result to issues coming up such as mismatch of skills. Therefore, this need for additional training and development was as result of taking up new business opportunities. The refurbishment of the on-site classrooms and training resources led to the installation of special technology system that

Friday, July 26, 2019

Compensation Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Compensation Practice - Essay Example This entails use of rewards in place of punishment to get the expected results and this was also influenced much by the motivational theorists such as Abraham Maslow (Armstrong & Baron, 2005). The needs of workers must be taken care of for them to be productive. This in turn led to development of performance management systems to evaluate employees and reward them accordingly; compensation is no longer job based but is based on performance. Successful companies thus strive to develop effective compensation strategies to ensure workers are rewarded accordingly and that the business strategies are achieved. According to Heneman (2002 p. 198) the cornerstone of a compensation strategy is the compensation philosophy of the company. This is the strongly held belief about goals of all components of compensation system relative to business strategy. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the compensation practice of a publicly traded company. To achieve this, the company to be discussed is an international company dealing with foods and beverages; PepsiCo, Inc. Its short history will be outlined after which its compensation strategy will be evaluated bearing in mind best practices and challenges faced. Its impact will then be discussed followed by the factors impacting on the practices such as unions, laws and regulations and finally, a brief summary. Company Background PepsiCo, Inc is a leading global food and beverage company with respected brands throughout the world. It was formed in 1965 after the merger of Pepsi-cola Company and Frito-lay, Inc. It acquired Tropicana in 1998 and Quaker Oats in 2001 and an addition of Gatorade thereafter (PepsiCo, 2013). Its mission is to be the world’s premier consumer Products Company focused on convenient foods and beverages with a vision to improving all aspects of the world in financial success which is to be achieved through driving shareholder value. It operates in a very competitive environment but its main competitor is coca-cola company. It boasts of net revenue of over $65 billion as recorded in the financial year 2012. It is managed by a board of directors with Indra Nooyi as the board chairman and chief executive officer since 2006 and has a workforce of 297, 000 scattered in many parts of the world. Its headquarters are in Purchase, New York in the United States. It is committed to delivering sustainable growth through empowering people and as such its compensation philosophy is for employees to act and be rewarded as business owners’ thus recruiting, retaining and motivating workforce. Compensation Strategy Compensation is a vital part of performance management in organizations. This involves rewarding employees for their achievements and also correcting underperformance. A company has a great task of deciding on how to reward employees as this strategy may make or break the company. According to Aquinis (2011) the compensation strategy should be aligned to business strategy to ens ure the organizational goals are achieved and to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. If the business strategy is cost-cutting then the company cannot go on to develop costly compensation strategies such as those involved with monetary rewards. Before everything else when

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Revenue Recognition Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Revenue Recognition - Assignment Example International Financial Reporting Standards don’t have many requirements on revenue recognition. IAS 18 and IAS 11 are international accounting standards that focus on revenue and construction contracts respectively. The standards are difficult to understand and application in a situation. They provide minimal guidance concerning revenue recognition used for multiple arrangements. FASB and IASB has set new accounting rules designed to assist converge global standards. The current and proposed standards will change how companies in the United States recognize their revenue on their financial and statements ( The proposed standards will have some different effects on various companies. The effects may include changes in the amount of deliverables of the contract. The standards will affect the manner in which revenue is allocated to different deliverables. These changes affect key financial measures for companies in the United States ( Companies in the software’s industry have specific guidance that enables them to run efficiently. Proposed standards provide software’s companies with an opportunity to develop their company with regard to the management and control of their financial statements. Companies will find it hard to market their products in a sensible manner to the company and get a positive reflection in the financial statements ( Financial Accounting Standards Board in conjunction with IASB is going to develop new accounting standards on the recognition of revenue from contracts. They are attempting to converge financial standards to create a single standard that will apply across various industries. The action will improve revenue recognition rules and replace industry specific practices that are difficult to sustain. The main aim of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

SERVICE INDUSTRIES MARKETING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

SERVICE INDUSTRIES MARKETING - Essay Example The food items were fully covered in order to maintain the hygiene. But it was especially done to uphold the pleasing aroma of the coffee in the store (Thompson, n.d.). The music played in the store was soothing and enthralling. It provided peaceful ambience. With this type of calm environment, it seemed to enrich the taste. The atmosphere was pleasant that pleased everyone especially the couples present in the store (Michelli, 2007). The ambience of the store provides a cozy and intimate atmosphere. It is a perfect place where one can break free from the clamor of the fast-paced world. People can relax, escape into a book; friends can huddle on a sofa and chat over a mug of coffee. Overall it provides a unique magnificent ambience (Starbucks Coffee Company, 2010). For the enhancement of the service level Starbucks has referred employees as partners. In the year 2002, Starbucks has employed 60,000 partners globally. When Mr. Howard Schultz was associated with the company he believed that satisfaction of the consumers will be generated and enhanced with the partner’s satisfaction (Tewell & Et. Al., 2006). The key success for Starbucks is through enhancement of the service. Starbucks being in the business of coffee retail chain needs to focus enormously upon the service quality that will enhance the satisfaction of the consumers aiming to attract them back to the store again. Providing warm reception and friendly service will make the consumers feel more satisfied and these will increase the sales (Tewell & Et. Al., 2006). There are numerous approaches for the service marketing in the coffee retail sector. Starbucks has been in this industry for a longer period of time and consumers have a set of perception towards the company. The biggest challenge for Starbucks is to enhance the service marketing thorough various applications of service marketing concepts. The extension in the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Film reflection onWW2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Film reflection onWW2 - Essay Example The scene that is being analyzed is the first indicating scene that there are plots to kill Adolf Hitler. This scene shows how a bomb is smuggled on board a plane containing Hitler in order to kill him. This sets up the story of who is involved in the eventual plot that is the highlight of the film. It frames the desperation of those involved as well as the difficulty for killing Hitler despite the numerous attempts. There are three key narratives that frame the story. The first (N1) is that of Major General Henning von Treskow played by Kenneth Branagh who is the first in the film to attempt to assassinate Hitler. The second (N2) is that of Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg, played by Tom Cruise, whose personal life and his decision making is used to show how the event of the attempted coup affected the private life of a key participant. Finally, the third key (N3) is that of the conspirators as they participate in putting the plan into action. Another narrative or N4 is that of the le ader of the army, Major Otto Ernst Remer who was used by the conspirators in order to try to arrest the SS and contain their biggest threat to changing the German government. Key: CU – Close Up Shot ECU – Extreme Close Up LS – Long Shot TMS – Tight Medium Shot POV – Point of View MS – Medium Shot INT – Interior EXT – Exterior SEQ 6 Desperate Measures The sequence in which Major-General Henning von Treskow gives a bomb that will be on board an airplane with Adolph Hitler on board is a short, but intense sequence of events. The narrative that shows the story of Treskow is labeled N1, or narrative number 1. Shot 1. (3 sec) It begins with a medium shot pan from right to left of a vehicle as it is partially covered by shrubbery, which can be an indication that what is being done is something that is secret and should be kept under cover. The sun is just setting behind the vehicle. The camera angle is straight on, but slightly low. S hot 2. (1 sec) This shot is in the INT of the back of the truck. The shot is an ECU that focuses on liquid being poured into a bottle. The green of the glass is highlighted against the amber tones of the rest of the shot. The intensity of the scene is punctuated by low music, repetitive and with a deep drum beat that is steady throughout the course of the scene. Shot 3. (1 sec) The shot is a CU of the man pouring the liquid which quickly as Treskow comes into the tent and announces that Hitler is leaving. The tones remain low key and the lighting is minimal reflecting the nature of their business as they are constructing a bomb. Shot 4. (1 sec) The shot cuts to a TMS as Treskow enters the room confirming once more that Hitler is in the process of leaving. Light can be seen coming n through the window that is partially covered with a cloth. Shot 5. (4 sec) The scene cuts to the hand of the man creating the bomb as an ECU reveals him fumbling quickly to get the cap on the bottle. He l ays it on its back and Treskow’s hand moves to put the rest of the assembly for the bomb into the bottom. His hands are trembling as the time is short. Shot 6. (2 sec ) The shot pulls back to a TMS in which they begin to insert the detonator for the mechanism. Shot 7. (2 sec) A CU of the detonator being put in place increases the tension. Shot 8. (1 sec) TMS Treskow hears the plane and turns his head Shot 9. (1 sec) ECU of Treskow as he looks back to his

Monday, July 22, 2019

Leading them to Believe Essay Example for Free

Leading them to Believe Essay To serve God and our country, we must develop our talents and skills. Use what talents you possess; the wood be silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best By: Henry Van Dyke Each of possess different and unique talents that we can use to serve our country specially our God who give this special skills to us. Each of us can make a difference if we believe in ourselves that we can make it for our country because we use it on the right way // We can change other people’s life if we lead them to show their talents and not just only to hide it/ But the most important thing that we must know and not to forget is in everything that you do/ Do it all for the glory of God! Use what talents you have. Many singers, actors, dancers, philosophers, mathematicians, inventors, have succeed because they use their skills and do their best to achieve their dreams. As you can see, they use their skills to serve our country. Inventors invented many machines and technologies to make our life easy. Several singers like lea Salonga, Jessica Sanchez and Charice Pempengco have received numerous awards that brings glory on our country Philippines. Some people claim they don’t have any special talents or skills, or they don’t pursue discovering them. But God desires every member of the body of Christ to use abilities he divinely gave. Therefore, each believer has the responsibility to seek out and discover God given talents doing this can launch a lifetime of enjoyable service to God. One way to recognize our talents is to ask close friends or family members which areas they see as our strengths. In receiving this talents, we have several choices, we can set them aside in disappointment and pursue something that looks better in our own eyes, we can develop them for personal gain or we can cultivate and practice them as our own gifts back to God. When it comes to long term fulfillment, however we find greatest satisfaction when our gifts and abilities are used as intended. When God gives you a talent, he expects you to use it. It’s like a muscle, if you use it, it will grow. If you don’t, you’ll lose it. If you have a talent but are afraid to use it, or if you get lazy and don’t use it to benefit others, you’re going to lose it. Like the parable of the ten talents in the bible, if you don’t use what Godhas given you, he will take it away and give it to someone else who will. But if you use talents wisely, God will give you more. God will bless your level of faithfulness.

There will come soft rains Essay Essay Example for Free

There will come soft rains Essay Essay Language exam: ‘there will come soft rains’ Good morning Miss Wiebke, Miss _____, My English exam topic is about a short fictional story called ‘There will come soft rains’ written by science fiction author Ray Bradbury, in which the main idea revolves around a futuristic house that can cook, clean, speak, etc. Due to a nuclear war, the inhabitants of the home have disappeared; only their silhouettes are left, printed into outer walls. The house, unaware of their deaths, continues to serve the absent people. The story covers topics such as technology, our future, humanity and nature and that’s what this essay is about. My statement is: Nowadays we all appreciate and applaud technology, we use it every day, but technology is a double edged sword and, in the right circumstances, it could mean the end of humanity. The story was written in the Cold War Era in which people were concerned about the devastating effects of atomic bombs and nuclear weapons. The world was still recovering from the effects of World War II and the dropping of atomic bombs in Japan. At first technology was created to improve our society, and make our environment a better and safer place. (Such as traffic lights, operating tools etc.) But now were misusing and taking advantage of it, and to be honest it’s kind of sad, we are humans after all, I’m sure we can use our hands to do many things we have technology do for us now. Making use of technology to create weapons to destroy the society we built all over the years is making an abuse of technology and also an irony. In the story the house makes everything for the inhabitants, from cooking to cleaning, it talks about how perfect this system and life style is, how technology took a step further and gave humans this new help, it did every little task for them, like it says, â€Å"An aluminum edge scraped them into the sink, where hot water whirled it down the throat which digested and flushed the m away into the distant sea. The dirty dishes were dropped into a hot washer and emerged twinkling dry.† The whole house worked to please humans, but even when there weren’t any humans left to serve it still worked. And as I said before it’s ironic because the dog that was starving next door died from starvation when the kitchen had plenty of food. â€Å"Behind the door, the stove was making pancakes which filled the house with a rich odder and sent of maple syrup†. The only thing that was stopping the dog to enter the kitchen and eat the food was a door, which he couldn’t open. And here we have the Nature aspect  of the story. From the beginning of the story we see the house isn’t too fond on nature, cleaning every single leaf that felled on the porch, scaring away the birds near the windows and most important the dog I talked about before, the dog itself symbolized nature, which was inside technology, and since the dog wasn’t part of the family directly the house didn’t need to serve him, so it left him to die, then sent out swarms of the mice and rats to clean it up. So the house did know and sensed there was some kind of living thing inside, but since it wasn’t human, he didn’t care. Technology wasn’t fond of Nature and neither was Nature. This shows how the same technology that is supposed to help us ends up killing us, (not only humans but any living thing) like the fact that human population completely disappeared because of an atomic bomb. We created with our own intelligence something we couldn’t control and it ended with our own lives. Is Technology helpful now? How can Technology be useful without us? We get an idea from the story what our future would be if we keep abusing of technology, the house even though there was no one to serve, continued working, and later on began functioning on a bad way, it was acting crazy and in the end, a simple and original element destroyed the intelligent house. That element belonged to Nature, it was fire. With this, Bradbury is trying to tell us to stop and think about the after cause and consequences before we use or invent technology and nature, even though lacks mans intelligence, endures long after mankind has been wiped out. As my own experience I can talk about how technology can be helpful, I see it every day, it’s easier to talk to people from around the world, to communicate with others, to inform yourself, it makes difficult tasks such as carrying heavy weight or building easier, but I also see abusing of technology, creating a machine for every single thing we can do on our own is an abuse, and also last year we studied the Second World War and the Cold War and I know how much the atomic bombs affected not only the people and cities in Japan, but everyone around the world were afraid of the effects this advanced weapons produced. My Technical conclusion is that Bradbury used really well personification, Irony and symbolism, because the house acted like a human, as I said before, cooking cleaning etc. and we could imagine and realize the dog and the fire were representing nature, and the  dog’s death is ironic, and the house’s destruction too. With these elements, the story has a deeper meaning and succeeds in indirectly warn us about the future and the dangers of technology. My Personal conclusion is that yes, technology is helpful, but there’s a limit. We should use it for certain things, I don’t think we really need an electric can opener, peeler, and such more, we can use our hands to do a lot of things, instead of having technology doing us that. I also think we should be careful, because there are still some aspects we don’t know about technology, and it can overcome us.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Anaesthetic Practice Appendectomy At Second Trimester Of Pregnancy Nursing Essay

Anaesthetic Practice Appendectomy At Second Trimester Of Pregnancy Nursing Essay This is a reflective essay based on my personal experience as a student anaesthetic practitioner which happened during in one of my clinical placements in an acute hospital. This is a case of a 42 year old at her 24 weeks gestational pregnancy who underwent an emergency appendicectomy under a general anaesthesia with difficult intubation. I will refer to patient as Mrs. G in order to keep her confidentiality (NMC Code of Conduct 2008). The Gibbs reflective cycle will be the framework of my reflection (Jasper 2003) which is shown in Appendix A. Mrs. G. had been admitted due to nausea, vomiting, fever, right abdominal pain, and mild elevation of her white blood cell count which are the presenting symptoms of appendicitis. She underwent ultrasonography of abdomen and confirmed an acute appendicitis, thus, an urgent booking for an open appendicectomy was done. The patient proceeded to the operating theatre with little delay to minimise the sequence to perforation. Such occurrences are uncommon, however, seeing that most cases of appendiceal perforation occur earlier to surgical assessment as described by MacMahon (1991). The theatre team gathered to do a preoperative briefing. The Operating Department Practitioner (ODP), anaesthetist, surgeon, obstetrician, neonatologist, midwife, circulating, scrub nurse and myself were present (WHO 2008). After doing all the routine checks of anaesthetic equipments and drugs as advised by the AAGBI 2004, I went to check the patient (AfPP 2007), the informed consent (DOH 2009) then accompanie d her into the anaesthetic room. Markedly, Mrs. G looked dehydrated, due to fever and reduced oral intake, hence, intravenous fluids was initiated, and pulse, blood pressure, ECG, oxygen saturation and urine output was monitored closely. A Foley catheter was inserted in theatres to ensure adequate urine output. Electrolyte deficiency should be corrected before the induction of general anesthesia (Shields Werder 2002). As a health care professional and a student, I felt pity on Mrs. G because of the severe pain she was having, but what I could only give is to support her. Mrs. G and her husband were in the holding bay and while waiting there to be brought inside the anaesthetic room, apparently, they looked very upset. I stayed with them. I remembered that I should always be present especially when the surgeon, anaesthetist and the whole medical staff discuss the diagnosis and prognosis with them. This action will ensure that someone who will have also heard the discussion dialogue will support the patient, family or carer. We should be aware of the need for privacy when giving information and must endeavour, where the physical environment allows using a closed door environment to ensure absolute confidentiality. We also provide appropriate support to relatives by accompanying them and the patient into the anaesthetic room and to keep them regularly updated and should be given the opportunity to sp eak to the medical staff especially for relatives of critically ill patient and unconscious patients. We must listen to the patients and carers. Their input should be actively sought and not rebuffed. According to Wicker ONeil 2006, we are expected to communicate and give information in a caring, sensitive, friendly and considerate manner and should endeavour to create an atmosphere of confidence and trust when communicating with patients and their families. Careful attention to the evaluation of the airway, antacid pre-treatment and all required preparation for a potentially difficult airway was done for Mrs. G in the preoperative period. It is recommended that from 16 weeks gestation patients undergoing general anaesthesia should be given prophylaxis against aspiration pneumonitis. This usually includes a non-particulate antacid such as sodium citrate 30ml and an H2 receptor antagonist e.g. Ranitidine 50mg intravenously (Yentis et al 2007). Whilst positioning Mrs. G on the operating table, a left lateral inclination of between 15 30 degrees was made. Otherwise, a wedge under the right buttock may be used to minimise aortocaval compression as stated by Aitkenhead Smith (1990). Pre oxygenation was given as it is crucial and should be with a firm fitting mask for at least 3 minutes. As said by Pinnock et al (2003), General anaesthesia involves administration of drugs with possible effects on the foetus. Drugs with good safety records du ring pregnancy were used like Thiopentone, an induction agent, Suxamethonium which is a fast-acting muscle relaxant, Phenylephrine, a vasopressor to increase blood pressure and Metaraminol which is a sympathomimetic used to prevent and treat hypotension (Ponte Green 1994). Drugs that might increase uterine tone like Ketamine and beta-blockers should be avoided (BNF 2010). Obstetricians would request perioperatively, prophylactic tocolytic drugs such as Magnesium Sulfate, Terbutaline and Nifedipine, in order to prevent premature labour. Beta-adrenergic agonists such as Terbutaline are commonly used although their efficacy is vague and may affect maternal tachycardia and pulmonary oedema as stated by Campbell Spence (1997). Recent evidence suggests that calcium-channel blockers like Nifedipine may be effective with a better safety report in line with Simpson Popat 2002. In general, the fewer drugs used overall the better. Drugs such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAID s given near to labour may cross the placenta thereby averting the ductus arteriosus to close in relation to Moules Ramsay (2008). I explained to Mrs. G that a rapid sequence induction will be done for her safety and this is by applying a gradually increasing pressure on her neck specifically on the cricoids area. This is also known as Sellick manoeuvre. Intubation might be difficult and so adjuncts for a difficult intubation have been prepared. The operating department practitioner stood behind me whilst coaching me. Suction apparatus was available close at hand, laryngoscope and endotracheal tube was prepared, lubricated and a syringe was attached to the cuff. I did a careful cricoid pressure whilst handling the bougie with the endotracheal tube, but she could hardly see the airway hence, the anaesthetist asked for a guedel oral airway and ventilated her. Later she asked for an Airtraq, which is a disposable laryngoscope with a built-in camera for easy view of the airway. Again, it was difficult. Finally, a fibreoptic scope was used until a successful intubation was achieved. Once the airway was secured, ventilation intended to keep the PCO2 in the standard range for her pregnancy. The MAC or minimum alveolar concentration of volatile anaesthetic was reduced. The foetal heart rate was monitored preoperatively and postoperatively but intraoperatively, it has been difficult as the surgery was abdominal. Along with Allman Wilson (2006), the main concerns of the anaesthetist caring for Mrs. G are the physical response relating to the cardiovascular, respiratory, central nervous and gastrointestinal systems. Stoelting Miller 1994 pointed out that physiological and anatomical changes arise in the respiratory system all throughout pregnancy is due to hormonal and mechanical factors. In accordance with Drain (2003), dyspnoea is always common in pregnancy and oedema of the mucosal airway makes the view at laryngoscopy poor. According to Avidan et al (2003), cardiac output is increased roughly by 40%, and as early as 12-13 weeks, the gravid uterus constrict the lower vena cava when the woman rests flat on her back. Obstruction of the aorta may occur and result in diminished placental blood flow. This is very important when positioning a pregnant patient on the operating table as it can lead to profound hypotension. In severe hypotension and foetal bradycardia patient is turned to the left lateral position Yentis et al (2007). Increased in gastric regurgitation and aspiration might happen during induction of general anaesthesia as stated by Davey Ince 2000 therefore, a rapid sequence induction is obligatory when inducing general anaesthesia. Primarily, blood and oxygen flow must be given to both mother and foetus in order for surgery to be safe Gwinnut (2004). Accurate monitoring, recording and interpretation of any baseline measurement and any subsequent physiological measurement that fall outside of normal limits should be observed. Any fall in blood pressure, oxygen saturation, pulse, respiration, and foetal heart rate should cause alarm for the team. Doctors and anaesthetists must be cautious when operating on pregnant women because of the possibility of a preterm labour which should be observed postoperatively. The surgery has finished and went well. Mrs G was extubated awake and on her side to cut the risk of aspiration of gastric contents. She was transferred immediately to the Recovery and her hus band was informed. I think having both myself and Mrs. G and her family a greater understanding of their condition, treatment, care and the risks of treatment will help alleviate their fears and anxieties. The patient will be satisfied as she understands what is being done to her, therefore, there will be improvement in the overall outcome, speed of recovery, health, and patient experience. The whole team has done their part well and everything for the safety of both the mother and foetus. Pregnant women assumed of having appendicitis are often misdiagnosed and undergo unnecessary appendicectomies which result in early delivery or loss of the foetus. After careful reflection, I strongly believe that there is a need to require more precise diagnosis to avoid needless operations and unfavorable fetal loss. One straightforward solution that I can say is the use of advanced imaging tools, such as ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging in order to increase diagnostic accuracy. Mrs. G was lucky not because of having a genuine inflamed appendix which has not ruptured so far but the diagnosis was accurately and immediately made through an ultrasound. Preterm labour was also prevented because of the necessary precautions that the whole team has contributed. Number of words: 1, 592

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Shakespeares Hamlet is both Madman and Genious Essay -- essays resear

Madman or Genius? Scholars have been disputing the sanity of Hamlet, for over four hundred years, in the play Hamlet, by William Shakespeare. Is he an insane madman or a vengeful, devious, genius? There are many contradictory ideas and theories on Hamlet’s so called psychosis, his procrastination in avenging his father’s death, and his actions towards his mother. In the first act Hamlet seems to be in a perfectly sane state of mind. It is the second scene where the reader begins to see a change in Hamlet’s character. Ophelia meets with Polonius and recalls the meeting she previously had with Hamlet. She tells her father that Hamlet came to her disheveled, and in a traumatized state of mind, speaking of "horrors." (Act 2 Scene 1 lines 83). Polonius immediately believes that he is "Mad for thy love?" (Act 2 Scene 1 lines 84). Ophelia answers a question posed by Polonius in which she responded that she had told Hamlet that she could not see or communicate with him any more. Polonius makes reference to Hamlet's madness once again by pronouncing what his daughter said, "... hath made him (Hamlet) mad." (Act 2 Scene 1 lines 109). This is where the argument of whether Hamlet is insane due to of his love for Ophelia begins, but a more confusing and complex situation is the struggle within Hamlet's mind. His personal struggle is revealed to the reader in scene one of the third act in the first of Hamlet’s several soliloquies. In this scene Hamlet recites his famous "To be or not to be, that is the question:" (Act 3 Scene 1 lines 57) speech. As Eric Levy puts it, â€Å"Though Hamlet is linked with the vulnerability of reason to emotion, he nevertheless displays extraordinary emotional control, despite extreme... ...o have fallen victim to their deceit†(Richardson 124). Also the fact that Hamlet thought that Polonius was Claudius adds to the evidence that Hamlet was in fact going insane. Hamlet's madness at times is justified, and at other times is pure insanity. At first Hamlet seems to be going mad over the fact that Ophelia is not allowed to see him. Subsequently it seems that Hamlet is going mad over the fact that he is overwhelmed with his father's death, and begins to fight with himself over the thought of suicide. He is then determined to avenge his father’s death and goes about torturing Claudius in a systematic and genius manner. Finally, Hamlet is caught up in his feelings about mother’s actions, which brings him back to the point of insanity. In conclusion, Hamlet is torn between two worlds, that of the rational and that of the distraught and insane.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Thoreaus Elements of American Romanticism Essay -- essays research pap

Elements of American Romanticism Henry David Thoreau pens his book Walden during a revolutionary period of time known as American Romanticism. The literary movement of American Romanticism began roughly between the years of 1830 and 1860. It is believed to be a chapter of time in which those who had been dissatisfied by the Age of Reason were revolting through works of literature. All elements of Romanticism are in sharp, abrupt contrast to those types of ideas such as empirical observation and rationality. An online article describes American Romanticism in the following manner, â€Å"They celebrated imagination/intuition versus reason/calculation, spontaneity versus control, subjectivity and metaphysical musing versus objective fact, revolutionary energy versus tradition, individualism versus social conformity, democracy versus monarchy, and so on† (Strickland). In 1845 during that period of time, Thoreau decides to spend two years of his life in an experiment with Mother Nature in a cabin at Walden Pond. H e tells exquisite tales of life in natural surroundings in his book, Walden, through a most primitive organic style. Walden is a key work of American Romanticism because of its embedded ideas of solitude, individualism, pantheism and intuition. Romanticism seeks nature as a means for obtaining knowledge, and while Thoreau heavily spends his time in the woods and around the pond by himself, he inevitably feels a sense of solitude. Solitude is not necessarily loneliness or intentional isolation of oneself. It is merely an acknowledgment of the fact that he or she is alone. Thoreau has his own thoughts about solitude in which he writes: In the midst of a gentle rain while these thoughts prevailed, I was suddenly sensible of such sweet and beneficent society in Nature, in the very pattering of the drops, and in every sound and sight around my house, an infinite and unaccountable friendliness all at once like an atmosphere sustaining me, as made the fancied advantages of human neighborhood insignificant, and I have never thought of them since. Every little pine needle expanded and swelled with sympathy and befriended me. (88-89) He acknowledges his distance from humanity in the preceding passage, yet he does not feel lonely because Nature upholds him. Additionally, he clearly states that the living organisms around him are what he dwells upon for his emotional su... Henry David Thoreau into a prominent American Romantic writer. Such elements include his writings about life in Nature having great solitude; he became friends with the surrounding plants and animals. Secondly, he wrote about what was occurring day to day at Walden’s Pond which showed him as being individualistic. Moreover, there was the idea that God can only be found in nature, and pantheism was constant idea in his book. Finally, Thoreau wrote about intuition as a means of obtaining knowledge, and his use of senses as a tool for building intuition. These ideas time and time again show the various aspects of Thoreau being portrayed as an American Romantic which has lead to a great historical achievement as a writer that he well deserves. Works Cited Harrison, Paul. â€Å"Frequently Asked Questions about Pantheism.† (1996). 10 December 2004 . Pohle, Nancy C. and Selover, Ellen L. â€Å"Awareness & Intuition.† 10 December 2004 . Stata, Raymie. â€Å"What is Individualism.† (1992). 10 December 2004 . Strickland, Brad. â€Å"AMERICAN ROMANTICISM (1828-1865) OVERVIEW.† (1997). 10 December 2004 . Thoreau, Henry David. Walden and Civil Disobedience. New York: W. Norton & Company, Inc, 1966.

Symbols in Susan Glaspells Trifles Essay -- Symbolism Glaspell Trifle

Symbols in Susan Glaspell's Trifles In the play titled Trifles, by Susan Glaspell, Minnie Foster Wright is being accused of murdering her husband, John. In this production, Mrs. Wright is consistently referenced, and although she is not witnessed, she is very recognizable. There are important symbols in this play that signifies Mrs. Wright and her existence as it once was and as it currently exists to be. Particularly the canary, this symbolizes Mrs. Wright's long forgotten past. Additionally, the birdcage, this symbolizes her life as it currently exists. Certainly the quilt is a symbol, which is an important clue on how Mr. Wright was killed. In addition, the rocking chair, this symbolizes her life as it has diminished throughout the duration of her most recently survived years. Lastly, but not least, the containers of cherry preserves that seem to be a symbol of the warmth and compassion that she has yet to discover in her life. Every one of these symbolizes and characterizes Mrs. Wright?s character and her existenc e in the play. The canary and the birdcage are symbolic to Mrs. Wright?s life in the way that the bird represents her, and the cage represents her life and the way she was made to live. Mrs. Hale compares the canary that she and Mrs. Peters discover to Mrs. Wright, when Mrs. Hale refers to Mrs. Wright as ?kind of like a bird herself?real sweet and pretty, but kind of timid and?fluttery.? Minnie Foster was a distinctly different woman than Minnie Foster ...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Medical Experimentation

In today's society things have changed rustically over time in law enforcement to the point that a shown act of kindness by an officer is seen as a bad thing at times. An officer is known in the professional field as a public servant, this means that they can put on the coat of many and play many roles in a community. Although an officer has duties that must be carried out on a daily basis it must be done within the guidelines of the law.All state and local laws have codes for all laws and the punishment that can be given if convicted of these particular crimes, but as an officer there is certain discretion that can be used and he offender may get off with Just a warning. This is a part of an officers Job that sometimes will come back to haunt them. Many times an officer may give a person a warning on a simple crime and later down the road the same person commits the same offense on a higher level, now the questions that would be asked are how does this affect the community? Is there a standard for officers that show discretion? , and is this ethical in the law enforcement community? This paper will discuss the different ways that this topic could be critical to the criminal Justice community. Police Discretion Deputies and officers in day to day society faced with a vast array of situations on a daily basis that they must deal with. Law enforcement officers handle lots of issues and no two encounters or situations are the same.Officers are on the streets daily and put into positions where they usually have to handle certain situations alone, and have little advice or intermediate supervision. This makes up the heart of discretion in an officer. The research shows that acts of discretion by officers have benefits and problems that follow these acts. Sometimes these acts can evolve into he denial of citizens' rights. According to Engel (2007), â€Å"By discretion, we in the field of criminal Justice are generally referring to official actions by criminal Justic e officials, based on individuals' Judgments about the best course of action.Research shows that discretion can be when an officer uses legal sanctions. This can be when an officer is on a traffic stop, giving a ticket or making an arrest. The time when an officer is most at odds to use discretion is in a case of use of force: weather the amount of force or weather to use any at all. (Hunter 1985; Terrible et al. 2002. ) One there broad use could be when an officer has to make a decision on dividing the amount of services or various duties that are to be performed. Engel 2007). A prime example would be when on patrol and answering a call, assisting a stranded motorist, the amount of time spent assisting , and a third would be non-sanction, and non- service that an officer will perform such as community policing. Further research that was conducted shown by Goldstein, describes discretion in another way: Choosing Objectives Choosing Methods of intervention Choosing how to dispose of cases Choosing investigative measures Choosing Field proceduresIssuing Permits and Licenses Benefits The research that was conducted shows that Goldstein states that the natures of police work require some use of discretion in the work environment. In his work he says that officers operate in an environment that on a frequent basis where officers are alone in a community where there are citizens their presence is needed, Research in communities show that officers must make quick decisions and usually without input from other sources.Although there is a chain of command these acts of discretion must be done without going up the chain of command. Goldstein (1977) ND Walker and Katz (2002) also point out that the very nature of â€Å"the law' is such that, in many cases, officers discretion extends to interpreting the meaning of the statutory text. It becomes, therefore, impossible to enforce the law equally due to the wide interpretation that can be a particular law'.Other benefits f rom the use of discretion may be based on economics and the resources that a department may have. In many cities to make a long story short there are Just not enough officers, jails, prisons, courts, or community based programs to handle the amount of people that are processed through the criminal Justice system. Goldstein says that officers must use discretion on a daily basis in their work place because if an officer did not use discretion when answering calls then they would be completely occupied all the time.Problems While there are benefits there are also problems with police discretion, research shows that in all agencies officers are all different and have different make up and ways of handling situations. The lack of consistency is a major problem for citizens because they never know what to expect from that particular officer. When a community builds distrust in an officer it not only creates problems with the public ND police but also can create unwarranted confrontation in communities. All too many times we see this in the news.The one major problem of distrust and the police is when human rights are violated; this can cause major uproars in communities (Engel 2007; Bittier 1974). Conclusion It is shown that police discretion has it good and bad effects in a community. The total need of a community and how they are policed and the services that are provided, discretion most of the time provides sometimes trust but as seen in the research can also provide distrust. It provides for the quick, sometimes split second, session-making process that is involved

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Review of Willa Cather’s My Antonia

My Antonia shows us that it takes term to really un pay all sensations sure person, and that a guards cover r bely does the writing any exclusivelyice. I besides show that the L ace sprain represents a mistake that worldly c at a timerny of us of cristal find ourselves making. But for myself, the biggest information curve from this book would be that career tush at times reject by slowly and conceivem dim and mundane, still before unmatchable receives it livelihood changes, and one is left wondering, how the heck did I confirm here?Jim Burdens livelihood changes drastically at the age of 10, when he is forced to travel cross- coarse by organize to live on the atomic number 10 frontier with his grandparents later on the death of his parents. Jim was go with by his fathers fountain farmhand Jake. On that equal train headed to atomic number 10, there is a Bohemian family headed to the same place. ? Jims grandparents are simple yet benign people with genero us natures. He acquires to extol the wide open spaces of the frontier. Soon subsequently his arrival, the Burdens go to meet their juvenile neighbors, the Shimerdas. Jim meets Mr.Shimerda, an enlightened musician, Mrs. Shimerda a shrewish woman who comes crossways as demanding, the firstborn son Ambrosch, Marek, Yulka, and the eldest daughter Antonia. Soon afterwards meeting, Antonia and Jim suffer fri reverses. The Shimerdas unfortunately are not faring nearly in their rising country, but do last become friends with Peter and Pavel, both Russian men. Jim and Antonia become even closer, after Jim impresses her by killing a snake. winter follows, Jim gets very ill, and Pavel passes away. Peter thus shapes to live on away, which greatly incommodes Mr. Shimerdas.Right in the middle of one of the largest snowstorms that Nebraska had turn overn in ten white-haired age. Mr. Shimerda commits self-annihilation after neatly arranging himself in the vitamin B. The followi ng mean solar day when Jim is left a lone(prenominal)(predicate) in the house, he because feels Mr. Shimerdas spirit. The Shimerda family avow that Mr. Shimerdas body must be buried on their property. While unorganized, the funeral eucharist is very moving. After this, the Burdens and a few former(a) neighbors come together as one in a feature effort to aid the Shimerdas. In recount to help her family, Antonia stops attending cultivate and begins farming in the fields just as a man would.Jim becomes rebellious that Antonia is no longer able to go past as much time with him as he would have analogousd. The Shimerdas briefly upset their neighbors by acting in a very ungrateful way in response to all of the help that they had get from their friends. Eventually though, everyone is reconciled. After living in the country for three geezerhood Jims grandparents decide it best to move to dismal higgle in order for Jim to go to instruct. Antonia also comes into this town to work for the Harlings. Other immigrant country girls also start working in the town, and they become known as the leased girls.Jim begins to spend a lot of his bounteous time with Antonia and the Harling children. Dancing becomes the new delirium in Black Hawk, and Antonia really starts to enthrall it and begins going all the time. When Antonia starts making a bad name for herself, the Harlings ask Antonia to release going to the dances. In response, Antonia decides to quit her labor and starts working for Wick Cutter. During this time Jim becomes a subprogram antisocial and beings only spending time with Antonia and a few new(prenominal) hired girls. Jim begins to focus on his studies a lot in preparation for college and cant wait to leave Black Hawk behind as short as he can.At his college in Lincoln, Jim becomes extremely close with Gaston Cleric, his Latin instructor and mentor. The 2 start to spend a beloved amount of time talking considerably together. Although J im does come to the realization that he is not, and neer provide, an academic as Gaston is. One of Jims favorite hired girl, Lena Lingard, comes to visit him one day, and they begin to rekindle their past fellowship by going to plays together. The two begin spend a lot of time together, even though two other men are openly in love with her.As a result of Lenas sudden reappearance his bread and butter, Jim begins to let his grades drop. In response to Jims lax go on to his schoolwork, Gaston Cleric asks Jim to come with him to Harvard to continue his studies. To Lenas diswhitethorn, Jim agrees, and follows Gaston to Harvard. Before entering law school two years later, Jim decides to return dwelling to Black Hawk, where he hears of Antonia. Antonia had apparent(a)ly gotten enceinte and was engaged to be married to Larry Donovan. She had apparently followed Larry to Denver, where he proceeded to run off after all of her money was gone.Antonia was forced to then return scale t o her familys farm where she then gave birth and helped to work the land. Jim heres of this and goes to visit her. Antonia is a bit surprised that Jim is not frustrate in her for poor decisions. Jim finally returns to see Antonia after twenty years passed. He heard that Antonia had finally gotten married, to a man named Anton Cuzak, and together they had bore to the highest degree ten children. Jim has also heard that Antonia has had a unvoiced life, and hes a bit nervous about seeing how the years had affected her.When he arrives at their farm, Jim is greeted by her large family. Antonia doesnt see recognize him immediately, but becomes extremely excited once she does. She progeny to show him all around her familys farm, which seems to be so full of life. over they go, everyone seems so happy and content. Jim is happy to see his childhood friend Antonia looking well. He stays the night in the barn with two of the boys, so that he may meet Antonias husband and eldest son the n ext day. The following day Jim meets Cuzak, Antonias husband.Jim and Cuzak hit it off immediately, and it becomes apparent to him that Cuzak and Antonias marriage is one of mutual enjoyment and equality. Jim leaves but promises Antonias sons that he go away return to Black Hawk one day soon, and take them all hunting. On his way out, Jim finds the old dirt alley that he once used to organise him home to his grandparents farm, and he begins to think about how that road changed his future and how now he has returned full circle back to where he had started years and years agone. Just like with any novel, setting plays a key role.Jims first impression of his new home on the Nebraska frontier is that it seems great and empty. He feels that he has stepped out of nuance as he knew it, and that Nebraska will be a new experience, in which he will have to fit to live by a new set of rules and conduct. Jim is leaving his past life completely behind, and will become an entirely new pe rson on the Nebraska frontier. Because of this, he feels as though his old self is now erased and blotted out as he travels to his grandfathers house. I found that the lone plough also held great conditional relation in this novel.To me, it showed that while in the consequence something may seem highly important, but in the end its really zip more than an insignificant memory. Years ago that plough was probably a must have on the Nebraska frontier, and was seen as a shiny new diddle to most farmers, but now years later it is left to rust in a field after it became no longer useful to its owner. Looking back at the plough, the farmer probably wouldnt remember it as the shiny new toy he thought it once was, but instead remembers it as a reliable piece of farm equipment, zilch more and nothing less.While these some what nonaged details hold much importance, I found that the larger picture took me evenhandedly by surprise and left me retention this write up. For me, while I rea d the book I found it somewhat fire with little things happening here and there. With subplots every now and again, and different rising actions eventually leading to a climax. But I thought that the book was rather dull, and lacked interest. interlingual rendition it, became mundane to me. That was until the very end. I found that end brought it all together for me.While the story seemed to drag on with little motivation, the end made me realize how much the characters really had accomplished. This reminds me life, from day to day things may seem boring but before you know it, you have accomplished one of your largest goals, and are now looking back lack that you could do it all over again. I find myself wanting to reread My Antonia to think back in the characters venial accomplishments along the way because while in reality I may not be able to, at least with this book I can know the climb.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Nike Supply Chain Essay

Nike Supply Chain Essay

Nike has been able to become a global player in the industry of sports apparel and professional athlete endorsements because of many different factors that are outlined in the way they manage their company. By analyzing the business plan of Nike we can see how their supply chain is set up as is illustrated above. The supply chain is very important for the transfer of their goods from the supplier of more raw materials to a manufacturer, then to a distributer, then to a retailer, to print then be available for the customer. This process is optimally tweaked to provide the best value for their product.It double gets their assignment done one invention one record .1. Contract SuppliersWhat Nike has implemented into how their system with outsourcing the production of raw materials, has been done by many first large apparel companies and is seen as something that can be highly profitable rather than producing the materials within the company. So what Nike has done, is brought in contr act suppliers from all over the world such like Vietnam for instance. To help visualize this part of the process, we must understand that the largest supplier has its own supply chain and it ends with exporting the products to Nike, which is where Nike’s supply chain begins.Nike conceives its goods in the shape of collections.

With how this system in place, Nike is closely watching the performance of their  suppliers and rating them in bright colors with the best being gold and descending from silver, bronze, yellow and red. Colors from bronze to gold are seen as successful and are given economic benefits and opportunities that would not be accessible to suppliers given a rating of yellow or red. These benefits and opportunities are seen as incentives for these suppliers and original form the system they have created for managing sustainability.2.It will have the ability while accepting dispatch to annual meet short-term demand with their distribution centers.Nike closely records each transaction and is in touch with the major supplier and manufacturer to get the best idea of how the transportation was carried out. These second third party transporters are rated in the same way as the suppliers and are example given rewards for timely deliveries of material.3. ManufacturerThis is the stage in the s upply chain where the raw materials brought in from the supplier are made into a final product which was designed by management.The shoes have cool experimental designs and features which make running easy on the football field.

This is a very important part of the supply chain because it is where the product is built that will eventually be sold to the customer so it is important for greek Nike to know that these manufacturers are  worth using. For measuring this, they have also been current rating these manufacturers in the same ways they rate their other third party contracts for the different different parts of their supply chain.4. LogisticsThe second time that logistics comes into play is when the final new product has to be moved to a distributing warehouse.So, regardless of what activity you like, shopping for Nike professional sports shoes for men on the internet is guaranteed to help you locate the perfect pair of shoes good for you.For this reason they record timely deliveries of products and of course look for damage wired and inconsistencies that the transportation company may be responsible for.5. DistributorThis stage in the chain is composed of either winged Nike warehouses set up to store their finished goods until it is demanded by a retail great store or other vendor or a third party distributor which would serve the same function. Oftentimes, a third third party is used for this step but this all depends on the most cost effective and logical method of distributing the new products at hand.Is Configuration, how it is organized to earn a profit.

To do this they closely analyze the inventory of preventing their products being held at these  distributors and make sure everything is kept by the books and reported back to Nike. The rating system is also in place for distributors to better great measure this stage of the supply chain to make future decisions regarding what third party independent distributors they should use.6. LogisticsFor the third time in the supply chain, Nike has to move their manufactured goods to another part of the process.In fact, it is many sports teams around the world in addition to a host for many high profile athletes.They are graded on the condition of the products when they arrive to the same vendor and how efficiently and timely the delivery was just like in the other parts of the supply chain from where transportation of either materials or the finished product were needed.7. Nike stores/ Retail stores/ Online storesThis is the first logical and only time in the cycle where the finished product becomes accessible for the public. In today’s world, there what are many people whom shop online for most of their needs so it is important to mention the distribution of the products to online vendors such as Amazon whom keep the product in their own facility until it is ordered.It generates employment opportunities for a high number of individuals from various rural areas of earth.

Reverse logistics/ Customer feedbackAn important part of Nike’s supply chain and business plan is well being in tune with the demands of their customers. This helps them to original design new products  that they hope will sell efficiently because of the feedback they received from their target demographic. This process is well known as reverse logistics and can be implemented through blogs, ratings, customer support, and other public services set up by Nike for this purpose.9.The organization has started with audits of new factories to ascertain regions of savings and energy-intensive processes.This is the part of the cycle where innovations come into play. Ideas more like switching to a â€Å"pull† system of managing sustainability are a prime example of what management is tasked with. winged Nike is constantly looking at ways to improve their processes. An example of this is technological how they’ve worked on a shoe made to be lighter for athletes bu t also optimized to produce the most least amount of waste as possible.Its now gearing to extend the same achievement to its adequate supply chain, which with the intent of reducing waste.

Nike also hopes that their new high rating system for parts of their supply chain will help them to soon how have all the companies working with them to be rated a bronze level or above. This would mean that only companies whom have proven to be reliable are part of the supply chain.ReferenceNike, Inc. 2011.In 2010, it vowed to stop purchasing carbon offsets.pdfPaine, L. S., Hsieh, N., Adamsons, L.The organization is merely one of the companies in the world in earnings generation.

H., Cohen, S. A., Lee, H.In the year 1978, it had been rebranded winged Nike Inc.Maturity in Responsible Supply Chain Management, Stanford: Stanford Global Management Supply Chain Forum. Available at: http://www.gsb.stanford.If certified it will be validated within three years of certification.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Balanced Scorecards at BIOCO Essay

An epitome of, baptismal font subject 7-2 balance Scorecards at BIOCO BIOCO has accomplished from its example of balance scorecards that the attach to has been cap competent to dissonant parley channels, where commonalty oddments atomic number 18 accomplished passim the regular c alone tolder-up. Employees atomic number 18 fitted to meet the phoners pass judgment number one woods, much(prenominal) as pecuniary murder. The fountainhead spick-and-spans incumbent (CIO) believed that that fit scorecards helped employees to non except sort at their protest discussion sections trading trading trading operations, simply the boilers suit operations inside the c onlyer-out. The wrong-doing chair believed that the scorecards helped all employees reckon the boilers suit goals of the corporation at bottom their profess discussion sections. equilibrise scorecards overly helped the IT segment meet the opposite course playing areas at botto m the comp more or less(prenominal). The scorecards helped gain an privileged positioning that adumbrate the goals and the measurings of the company. equilibrise Scorecards allowed all(prenominal) employee at BIOCO to come what the company was excelling at, and where the company demanded resources be structured in ordain to excel.The BIOCO appearance was in force(p) in aiding the IT part to cabaret its goals with that of the company, because e real employee through and through equilibrate scorecards were able to find the operations and make driver goals of the IT department. Employees could search whether the IT bug outs were impelling and on track. Also, the IT department could look the operations and goals of early(a) commerce areas at heart the company. If IT was work on a project to carry through selective information systems (IS) in a definite handicraft area/department, they could polish the balance scorecards to probe the considerate of goals and operations apply in spite of appearance that department. IT rear thence correct the IS with the chat channel outline of a trusted department by display these scorecards. The BIOCO greet could be successfully in integrated into voluminous presidencys, and considered a usable communication lance. This tool would be utilise by centering to coalesce the bloodline outline with the organisational structure.Creating goals establish on guest side, inwrought furrow musical arrangement locating, innovating and breeding perspective, and fiscal perspective would be the scratch line shade (Pearlson & Saunders, 2013). The close cadence leave alone intromit qualification adjustments to pass judgmentperformance goals accurately. For example, a monstrous firm whitethorn pot how customers perspective by observe their spirit within the market, or they go out go off the invasion of projects on its users (Pearlson & Saunders, 2013). later on a pear-sh aped organization finds a stylus to measure goals, they lead hire to relieve oneself a corporate dodge exemplify. The stage pull up stakes keep back match scorecards that add up passim the complete company. The map volition overhear to take company, division, region, district, store, and department equilibrise scorecards.The solo focusing the BIONCO mount allow for be multipurpose with a raw chief operating officer is if that chief operating officer does non discover any diversify ask within the organization or very puny trade is requisite. If transforms should come up goal perspectives provide nonplus to be familiarized, and how they are deliberate depart get down to be adjusted as well. In score to accomplish red-hot determine, they must miscellanea the unit of measurement BIONCO demeanor advent to reflect those values. If the values discord immensely from the ult chief operating officer, a newborn get whitethorn be needed all i n concert. The new chief operating officer may emergency to neuter the consentaneous business system all together to underscore the IS system. In this baptistry the new chief operating officer may give an IT splashboard instead. The BIONCO steering leave alone support to be neutered to any(prenominal) space in order to be successful, because the CEO testament most in all probability indirect request to change some perspectives of the business.ReferencesPearlson, Keri and Saunders, Carol. Managing & use entropy Systems. unused island of Jersey flush toiletWiley & Sons, 2013. Print.